I figured no one would have the time to arrange everything I have done (projects, internships + leadership, research and other bs) on a timeline to understand my profile, so here's a summary of my life + work hitherto.
> Be me, 0 (2003)
> 2009, get a computer, play FarmVille, get bored
> 2015, track runner + school football team captain
> 2017, work ass off to join one of the finest schools in India
> 2018, 10th grade boards (92.2%)
> 2019, become VP of school's CS + Entrepreneurship club, lead teams and win hackathons + pitching events
> academic rebel, miss all PCM classes and JEE coaching to build 7 iterations of krishgoel.com and party with seniors
> drop out of Python at school, take up physical education to play football all day
> 2020, covid hit, school's online
> miss all online classes and learn RL
> launch a clothing brand to battle fast fashion with 2 friends, fail miserably
> no hopes of going to college
> build a smart mirror with temperature detection for public spaces aftermath of the pandemic
> 2021, second wave hits
> build CovAID with 5 friends - assemble a team of 40, build SOPs, train, deploy webapp, provide verified leads, save lives
> get acknowledged by celebrities and newspaper media
> 12th grade boards (95.6%)
> somehow make it to Manipal, Mangalore to study mechantronics
> start liking finance, plan for MBA
> 2022, medical condition, need to be closer to home
> switch to Manipal, Jaipur to study CS with AI & ML hons.
> 9.37 GPA
> 2023, realise MS > MBA
> change life trajectory
> realise I need research publications
> become a research intern at ICMR under Dr. Hapreet Singh, for building a CTR acc. to WHO standards
> learn Django, ship code, get first publication from desperation, CTR platform distributed to 70+ attending countries at G20 under digital goods
> propelled to IISc to work on structring gold-standard medical imaging datasets at Project MIDAS
> become president at Randomize(); - my college's CSE Club
> meet cool people, write a lot of code, run the most successful marketing campaign in college history, onbaord 250+ paying members, teach student-filled auditoriums git, competitive programming and building neural nets from scratch
> intern at Epson Robotics India - implement CV to a SCARA-L robot for a client, get bored
> 2024, organise the biggest student club college fest with 1600+ attendees. DJ at the fest, crowd loses contrl, suffer from success
> realise no good publications for MS apps + no one replying to 50+ research internship cold emails
> read RAPTOR, figure out a retrieval optimisation
> write first actual research publication with Mahek Chandak without any professor or supervision
> convince professors to miss classes, get GPU lab access, figure out LaTeX and writing a publication from scratch
> HIRO preprint goes live, get 2 citations organically
> intern at Machani Robotics in blr, to work on AI and speech in humanoids
> build realtime speaker diarization + transcription, facial profiling, multi-agent duplex conversation pipelines, and solve for behaviour, interruption-handling and proactivity have the best time ever
> take semester off from college (under the internship banner)
> start thinking about version control for context in conversations with LLMs
> start building an interface with version control for context, call it Endgame
> pause development for college home-assignments
> try building a neural engine to check for "expiration of information" for proactivity in agents
> get 4 ambitious juniors to work with - feature engineering + exploring for 2 months, realise there is no ground-truth to compare against
> decide to build the world's first benchmark to instill a sense of time in machines, develop a paramteric representation of a continuous P(validity) over time
> 2025, opt out of placements and take another semester off from college to do something off my own
> recruit 12 annotators to annotate the benchmark, synthetically generate samples, build the annotation platform, write guidelines, train annots, and build + train baseline models
> publish dataset to HuggingFace (preprint goes live soon)
> building Endgame full-time